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Faith Declared.
Hope Restored.

About Baptism
Baptism represents the beginning of your new life in Christ. It’s a powerful symbol of leaving behind your old self and stepping into the new life God has for you. Similar to a wedding ring, baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment—a declaration of faith that you live out each day.


Baptism FAQs

Why Should I Be Baptized?

  • You don’t need to be baptized to be saved but we still think that it should still be celebrated!  Baptism doesn’t save you—Jesus does. The Bible teaches that we are saved by turning from sin and putting our faith in Jesus (Acts 2:38). Even the thief on the cross was promised salvation by Jesus, though he was never baptized (Luke 23:42-43).

  • Baptism is a step of obedience to Jesus.  Jesus calls His followers to be baptized: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). Baptism isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment—it’s about saying “yes” to what Jesus has already asked us to do.

  • Baptism is your public declaration of faith. It’s a way of telling the world, “I belong to Jesus!” While there are many ways to share your faith, baptism is a unique and powerful step of obedience and celebration.

  • Baptism is a beautiful picture of your new life. It symbolizes being washed clean of sin and stepping into the new life Jesus offers. Peter tells us that baptism represents a cleansed conscience, not just an outward washing (1 Peter 3:21).

  • Baptism connects you to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. When you’re baptized, you’re identifying with what Jesus has done for you—dying to your old life and being raised to new life in Him (Romans 6:4).


How Will I Be Baptized?

At New Hope, we baptize by immersion, just like in the Bible. The word “baptize” literally means “to immerse,” and this best represents being buried with Christ and raised to new life.


When Should I Be Baptized?

You should be baptized after making a personal decision to follow Jesus. It’s a way of showing the world that you’re already a follower of Christ. At New Hope, we celebrate baptisms several times a year, and we’d love to celebrate with you!


What If I Was Baptized as a Baby?

Some church traditions baptize infants as a way of dedicating them to God. At New Hope, we believe baptism is a decision made after you’ve personally trusted Jesus as your Savior. If you were baptized as a baby, we encourage you to honor your parents’ faith while considering baptism now as your own public declaration of faith.


Do I Need to Be Re-Baptized If I Was Baptized Somewhere Else?

If you were baptized after trusting in Jesus at another Christian church, there’s no need to be baptized again. But if your baptism happened before you made a personal decision to follow Jesus, or if it wasn’t rooted in Christian faith, we encourage you to take this step of faith and be baptized at New Hope.


Can My Kids Be Baptized?​

At New Hope, we believe baptism is a personal decision that comes from understanding and believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior. While we recommend that children be at least 8 years old, we leave this decision to the discretion of parents. If your child fully understands their faith in Christ and is ready to publicly declare it, we’d love to celebrate this step with your family!

If you’re unsure whether your child is ready, we’re happy to meet with you and your child to help guide the conversation. Our goal is to ensure baptism is a meaningful and joyful experience for everyone involved.


What Happens During Baptism at New Hope?

Baptism is a celebration! It’s a time for you, your family, and your church community to rejoice in the new life you’ve found in Jesus.

  • Before Baptism: We’ll meet with you to answer questions and help you prepare.

  • During the Service: You’ll share your testimony (a short story about your faith journey), and then we’ll baptize you in water.

  • Afterwards: We’ll celebrate with clapping, cheering, and a church family full of joy! We also love to pray over everyone  as well!

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Service Time: 9:00am & 10:30am 




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