Where every kid is
seen, known, and loved! 🎉
Each week, we provide a safe, clean, and fun experience for your entire family!
Your First Visit
We can’t wait to meet you! Follow the signs to the New Hope Kids entrance in the lobby. Our check-in team will be ready to help.
We’ll help guide you, help you check in, and give you a number that you can bring back afterward to pick up your kids. If we need your attention during the service for any reason, we’ll send you a text.

We go out of our way to protect your kids! Their safety is our top priority. All of our adult team members are background-checked and fully-trained to keep your kids safe. While you’re enjoying our worship service, you can relax knowing your children are in a safe, clean, and loving environment!
No, seriously. It’s the best hour of their week! Kids learn better when they’re having fun. That’s why we jam-pack every minute you’re here with fun games, memorable songs, and so much more. Your kids will have so much fun that they’ll be begging to come back!
We’re not just going to entertain your kids each Sunday morning, we’re going to teach them what the Bible says, in a way they can understand. We help kids take the next step in their relationship with Jesus. We’re excited to partner together with you on this!
We value parents! We understand how important each phase of life is for every child, and we want to be a resource to you.
God designed us for community, and we want your kids to build healthy relationships with other kids their age. Making friends and growing alongside their peers is an important part of their spiritual growth.

Hi! I'm Bekah Holmes.
I’m the New Hope Kids Director. I love my husband and our three children! I oversee Sunday shenanigans for kids and equip the team to provide fun, consistent opportunities for kids to know the Gospel and what Jesus did for them. I’m passionate about helping kids take the next step in their relationship with Jesus, and I’d love to connect with you!
Is my giving tax deductable?Yes, at the end of the year you'll receive in your mail a giving statement for the financial year. You can access your giving report anytime as well. You can find your giving profile here.
What is your preferred method of giving?Online giving is our preferred method because it relieves the workload on our volunteers. It's quick, simple, and you're able to immediatly access your giving record. Although any check or cash (with giving envelope) will be recorded to your giving profile. Connecting your bank account will also save our church from paying credit card processing fees.
Why should I give?2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." We believe first that if you feel like you're forced to give please do not feel obligated to give especially if you're a guest of ours. However, we believe that tithing is an investment in the Kingdom since the local church is both the hands and feet of Jesus and hope of the world. We incredibly thankful for all our incredible givers who allow us to continue to share the Gospel to the world and help change lives.
What does the overnight host do?If you choose to serve as an overnight host, you will arrive at NHCC at 6:30PM. You will be provided a private and secure area to sleep; however, please bring your own bedding. You will serve as the first emergency contact should the families need any assistance during the night. There is an emergency NHCC and FP representative available by phone if needed. In the morning, you will be required to wake the families at 5:00AM. Once the families are picked up by the FP van (5:30AM), you will be asked to tie up the garbage bags and lock the building.
How does this organization help families?Many of the families are in temporary situations where they need housing as they are looking for jobs. Family Promise helps organize, train, transport, and provide opportunities for job interviews to help equip famlies.
As an overnight host where am I staying?You'll be staying in our youth room and you can sleep on our coach or bring your own bedding to sleep on.
Where will the families be staying?They will be staying in the children's area in the seperate rooms. This allows privacy and safety for them.
What will the setup team be doing?The set-up crew meets after church on the Sunday on which the families arrive (10:30AM.) Set-up crew blows up air mattresses, makes up the beds, sets up tables, etc.
What will the teardown team be doing?The tear-down crew meets before church on the Sunday the families depart (6:00AM.) This crew is responsible for deflating and rolling air mattresses, bagging dirty laundry, tearing down tables, putting away NHCC supplies, sanitizing, and vacuuming.
What are my responsibilities if I provide a meal?If you (or your small group) decide to provide a meal, you will need to supply a main dinner item, a side dish, a dessert, and drinks. All paper products and flatware are provided by NHCC. You will need to provide enough food for all the families, paying close attention to any dietary restrictions. If you choose to provide a meal, you (or your group) will need to deliver the meal by 5:00PM on the Sunday the families arrive. At least 2 people from your group must stay to help serve the meal and clean up afterwards. It is encouraged that volunteers eat and fellowship with the visiting families.